How Tourism Operators Can Provide Sustainable Food Options to Guests

Photo by Hermes Rivera

Sustainability is changing tourism, and many prioritize green travel experiences. Hospitality industry operators can offer opportunities where guests can combine leisure with environmental advocacy to make their travel experience more meaningful. Here are six ways you can contribute to that. 

1. Promote Local Markets

Some guests may want to save travel money by cooking their own meals. Guide them to a farmers market that sources fresh, local produce instead of grocery stores where some ingredients are imported. Supporting nearby farmers has two benefits — it provides them with income, plus you help your guests reduce their environmental impact by making wiser food decisions. 

Look for restaurants and markets that prioritize locally sourced and sustainable ingredients. Choosing local produce reduces the environmental impact of long-distance transportation and supports local farmers.

2. Refer Sustainable Restaurants

Local foods are a great attraction to tourists. Many guests look for culinary experiences during their travels. Bring them to sustainable restaurants when they want to try authentic delicacies and regional flavors. This is easy, as many food establishments are switching to environmentally friendly practices, like local sourcing and managing food waste. By recommending a good restaurant, you can satisfy their desire for a unique food experience.

3. Encourage Plant-Based Options

A plant-based diet is more eco-friendly than consuming meat. One study found that meat accounts for 57% of all greenhouse gases from food production since it requires spraying fertilizer, using machinery and transporting products to other locations. 

Growing plants and vegetables has a considerably lower footprint and causes less environmental harm than raising livestock. Choosing plant-based meals during travel means guests can eat their fill of delicious and healthy local cuisines without feeling guilty about the impact. 

4. Choose Sustainable Seafood

Seafood has a much lower impact on the environment than meat. Wild-caught fish are one of the most carbon-efficient foods on the planet, as they require no land and no freshwater to live. Besides, seafood and fish are healthier than red meat. Eating two or more servings weekly can reduce your risk of serious diseases while you travel. Furthermore, they're packed with micronutrients like omega-3, zinc, vitamin A and iron. 

Enjoying seafood is a big beach draw, so encourage tourists to try the local specialties. 

5. Share Tips to Minimize Food Waste

Food waste when traveling is almost unavoidable. There’ll be leftovers, whether guests prepare their own meals or eat at a restaurant. Here are some excellent tips to prevent waste while traveling. 

  • Encourage sharing large portions 

  • Take leftovers home

  • Give away leftovers 

  • Pack snacks or meals with the right portion size

Increasing awareness of reducing food waste encourages sustainable decisions about food consumption. 

6. Discourage Single-Use Packaging

Of the 353 million tons of global plastic waste, 40% comes from packaging used in products like beverages, snacks and takeout containers. Encourage guests to avoid single-use packaging when buying their foods. Although many shops and convenience stores implement zero waste or use recyclable paper in their packaging, others still use plastic. 

You can provide a list of sustainable stores and eateries where they can pick up ready-to-eat meals that don't use plastics. Alternatively, they can bring their own container and condiments so they don't have to use plasticware and packaging when ordering food. 

Share Sustainable Tips With Your Guests

Many travelers are familiar with sustainable practices, but they may be new to others. Tour operators are in a position where they can influence guests and promote a positive environmental impact by educating them on where and how to find eco-friendly establishments. Sustainability is the future of tourism. It's one of those little shifts in the travel lifestyle that can contribute to protecting the planet.

Interested in working with us? Get in touch

Sea Going Green is a sustainable tourism consultancy working with tourism operators to help them provide guests with eco-friendly options and experiences.


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