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Consulting Services

Our services provide expert advice tailored to your unique sustainability needs, challenges and goals.

Our Green Transition Strategy employs a multi-step approach by first establishing a baseline of your environmental impacts through an Environmental Impact Assessment as a sustainability diagnostic of your current operations. From this, we co-develop an action plan with the client to mitigate, reduce and improve the environmental, social and economic sustainability of your business through a custom sustainable tourism policy, environmental workforce training, eco-verification and green branding. The customization present in our approach allows for additional expertise to shape deliverables complementary to the Green Transition Strategy. This includes support for tourism master planning and market analysis to attract new segments and enhance your current tourism offerings.

Environmental Impact Assessment

  • As an initial sustainability diagnostic, the Environmental Impact Assessment examines the intricacies of your environmental footprint in the form of a baseline report detailing your carbon footprint, consumption patterns, supply chain procedures and general operations. Recommendations further identify areas for intervention and methods to measure, monitor and assess future impacts.

  • The insights provided by an Environmental Impact Assessment yield a wide variety of benefits for your business or destination by laying the foundation for a roadmap that minimizes your environmental footprint, lowers operational costs and identifies new areas for growth.

    The assessment systematically identifies areas of high resource use and waste, enabling strategies to significantly reduce costs associated with fuel, water and energy consumption, waste management and resource procurement. The insights gained through this assessment enable organizations to meet regulatory requirements with ease, avoiding potential fines, and fostering a positive public image in turn increasing their recognition amongst environmentally conscious consumers and guests.

    This strategic approach is tailored to support our clients’ ambitions to contribute towards global climate goals including destination and nation-wide aspirations for achieving net zero emissions or carbon neutrality.

Responsible Tourism Policy

  • Our next phase is the development of a Responsible Tourism Policy, underlining steps for short, medium and long-term to help you meet your goals and milestones. Strategies target specific areas for intervention within your operations to avoid, mitigate, or compensate for your environmental impact in line with your financial and operational capacities. The strategy additionally accounts for economic and socio-cultural integration, taking a holistic approach to responsible tourism that is inclusive of the host community.

    On top of operational recommendations, our approach accounts for the individual behavior of guests, reflected in baseline consumption patterns and contextualized market research. Additionally, our recommendations provide guidance on the best-fit certification and verification schemes to help you achieve your goals while aligning with your preferences for your desired timeline, capacity and associated costs.

    For public sector clients, such as tourism destinations or municipalities, our Responsible Tourism Policy outlines strategies to champion sustainable tourism at the destination level, by promoting policy action, wider initiatives and targeted campaigns that encourage responsible behavior resulting in improved relations between tourists and host communities.

  • A Responsible Tourism Policy not only aids in safeguarding the environment, it also enriches the visitor experience by integrating responsible practices into every aspect of tourism for the benefit of the host community. This promotes a cohesive community effort towards sustainability, enhancing the destination's appeal and diversifying its tourism offering.

Training and Capacity Building

  • Training and Capacity Building emphasizes the pivotal role of human resources in achieving sustainable outcomes. Recognizing that the foundation of an environmentally responsible entity lies not just in policies but in people, we focus on nurturing eco-friendly mindsets among employees and community members.

    To this end, our modules are developed to initiate knowledge transfer based on the clients’ goals and objectives including topics such as: general sustainability, sustainable tourism development, front of house and back of house employee training, tourism certification and verification, among others. Customized workshops are designed to empower attendees by stimulating discussion around core topics in a way that integrates sustainability into a localized context. Modules are developed to incorporate a people-centric approach to communicate a unified vision for sustainability to encourage the uptake of sustainable behaviors both amongst employees, guests and community members.

  • The benefits of Training and Capacity Building aim to instill a culture of responsibility and innovation among attendees, ensuring that sustainability becomes a shared vision and a part of your collective journey.

Green Branding

  • Cognizant that communication plays just as important of a role as actions themselves, we provide clients with green branding support to amplify the impact of your sustainability efforts to guests, stakeholders and the wider public. This includes strategies for strategic rebranding, marketing campaigns and implementation plans for the dissemination of communications materials.

  • By effectively communicating your sustainability strategies and achievements, you not only enhance your brand's visibility and impact, but also build trust and credibility with your stakeholders, guests and the public.

Tourism Master Planning

  • Tourism Master Planning establishes a vision for theming, spatial planning, tourism activity development and operational and managerial strategies for: accommodations, tourism centers, recreational facilities and other public and private areas frequented by tourists. Master planning begins with onsite visits, stakeholder consultations on top of desktop and market research to gain a contextualized understanding of the tourism asset and host community. Applying these insights, we work together with lead design teams, architects and other supporting stakeholders to co-create ecotourism activity catalogs, customer journeys and recommendations for operations and procurement to put the client on track to obtain tourism certification and meet environmental regulations.

  • A Tourism Masterplan outlines the main sustainability themes of the tourism asset (resort, ecotourism center etc) and operational considerations to ensure cohesion between the architectural build and the functionality of spaces. Our recommendations add on to this by seamlessly incorporating sustainability into the planning process for environmentally-friendly connectivity, carbon, resource and waste management, guest engagement, corporate social responsibility and community involvement.

Additional Services

Tourism Sector Market Research

  • Knowing your target audience is essential in order to offer products and services that meet guest expectations. Our targeted market research identifies your current customer base, the potential to attract new and emerging markets, and insights on industry-wide trends, with strategies outlining methods for communication strategies and recommendations for tourism product development. Our comprehensive market research reports additionally offer an inside look into national and regional competition and the potential impacts this will have on your tourism business.

    On top of operational recommendations, our approach accounts for the individual behavior of guests, reflected in baseline consumption patterns and contextualized market research. Additionally, our recommendations provide guidance on the best-fit certification and verification schemes to help you achieve your goals while aligning with your preferences for your desired timeline, capacity and associated costs.

    For public sector clients, such as tourism destinations or municipalities, our Responsible Tourism Policy outlines strategies to champion sustainable tourism at the destination level, by promoting policy action, wider initiatives and targeted campaigns that encourage responsible behavior resulting in improved relations between tourists and host communities.

  • Up-to-date market research is vital for tourism businesses to keep up with the fluid nature of the tourism industry and changing guest demands. By knowing the clients’ potential to attract new segments and draw in new revenue streams, our recommendations support the implementation of actionable steps to future-proof your tourism business while increasing competitiveness to enhance brand identity.

Design and Communications

  • Our services offer consultancy support for sustainability marketing, content creation and communications to amplify the impact of your sustainability practices.

    We work with clients to co-develop custom communications materials and campaigns that highlight sustainability achievements in addition to toolkits for community engagement, grassroots activation and environmental sustainability. We also manage comprehensive communication and dissemination strategies for significant projects.

Speaking Engagements

  • In search of a distinguished speaker for your next industry event? Ally Dragozet, the founder and CEO of Sea Going Green, an industry pioneer, thought leader and expert in sustainable tourism, marine pollution, and entrepreneurship, has delivered compelling and dynamic presentations on blue economy, sustainability, marine tourism and other topics that resonate across the industry.

    Ally has spoken at renowned events like the World Biodiversity Forum in Davos, the International Marine Debris Conference in Korea and the Booking Manager Summit in Croatia in addition to additional industry events in every corner of the globe. Her talks focus on the need for sustainability in tourism with anecdotes that tie in actionable solutions aimed at catalyzing a greener industry. Whether for keynote speeches at conferences or for guest lectures, Ally's presentations are tailored to the event themes, delivering the core message that sustainability in tourism is the only pathway forward for the industry.

Benefits of working with us:

  • Reduce Operating Costs

  • Compliance with Regulations

  • Improve Customer & Stakeholder Relations

  • Create Marketing Opportunities

  • Enhance Your Reputation

  • & More