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Crafting a Sustainable World, One Post at a Time

Sustainable Living Veerle van Wendelbeest Sustainable Living Veerle van Wendelbeest

Sustainable transportation: Lowering your impact while traveling

What is sustainable transportation? This type of transportation refers to low impact methods of getting from one location to another, while emitting to lowest amount of CO2 as possible. These forms of transport can include electric vehicles, public transportation like buses, ride-sharing, but also wind-powered boats or solar-powered yachts. While each transportation method comes with pros and cons, there are many great options to consider.

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Education, Sustainable Living Chloe Walker Education, Sustainable Living Chloe Walker

Eco-Friendly Transport Options in 2020

Travelling is an incredible experience that allows you to visit new places, enjoy exciting new experiences, and learn about different cultures all around the world. However, global travel is having a damaging effect on the environment and tourism is responsible for around 8 percent of the world’s carbon emissions according to a recent study.

This makes the tourism sector a bigger polluter than the construction industry. While some emissions are unavoidable while travelling, there are plenty of ways to make your holidays greener. With this in mind, here are some of the top eco-friendly transport options in 2020.

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