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Crafting a Sustainable World, One Post at a Time

Education Sarah Daren Education Sarah Daren

Green Marketing Practices for Your Business

The world has gone through a lot of changes in the last two decades as a result of climate change. The expectations for green practices are influencing the way businesses think about their products. Whether sourcing, producing, or transporting, every aspect of a product's life cycle can have a significant impact on the environment and human beings on the whole.

But what exactly is green marketing?  Read to learn more.

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Education Beau Peters Education Beau Peters

Building a Thriving Community to Support Sustainable Tourism Initiatives

A thriving tourist destination doesn’t arise due to the efforts of a single business or even city leadership. It is really the commitment and talent of the entire community of businesses and concerned citizens that are the most important.

In this blog, we’ll examine some important aspects to take into consideration when working to build a thriving community to support sustainable tourism initiatives.

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Education Parichehr Parsi Education Parichehr Parsi

How Instagram is Changing the Tourism Industry

Instagram has found its way to the hearts of wanderlust-filled travelers thanks to its easy-to-use features and eye-catching content. On the platform, users share moments from their everyday lives with their friends and followers via posts and stories. Traveling is no exception. Posts from tourism destinations around the world have become increasingly popular, leading to the rise in tourism in the world’s most picturesque destinations.

In this blog, we’ll cover why and how Instagram has changed the tourism industry along with suggestions on how your travel business can use the popular platform as a tool to boost engagement and bookings.

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Education Marie Barnes Education Marie Barnes

Sustainable Marketing: New Challenges and Opportunities

Biodegradable, eco-friendly, organic – these green branding concepts have rapidly burst into our lives and continue to gain momentum, forcing businesses to reckon with them. Today, a third of customers prefer to interact with brands for whom eco consciousness is more than just a phrase, but a core principle.

Luckily, many international organizations and businesses have begun taking aggressive action to combat the deterioration of natural conditions including changes within their own operations. As a result, restructured marketing can be used as a tool to reflect these changes to become a full-fledged herald of the brand's sustainable mission and convey this to as many potential customers as possible.

You’re probably thinking, what can I do and how can I do this– let's unpack this now.

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Education, Sustainable Living Marie Barnes Education, Sustainable Living Marie Barnes

How to Market your Eco-friendly Business

People are now, more than ever, concerned about saving the planet and the health of the environment. That is why adopting eco-friendly practices within your business structure is a popular trend that is here to stay. It is not only companies that are undergoing changes, there are shifts happening in consumers’ mindsets as well. According to the recent data, 26% of European citizens buy only “eco-friendly goods” and for over 50% of this figure, these choices are made frequently.

With data pointing to these types of changes, the world of business will need to adapt to meet consumer demands. In light of this, we have prepared a list of tips on how to market your eco-friendly business to get the consumer recognition that you deserve. Enjoy!

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Companies/Projects, Education Alexandre Imbot Companies/Projects, Education Alexandre Imbot

PLA “Biodegradable” Plastics: Too Good To Be True

PLAs have been heralded around the world as a renewable, plant based, biodegradable alternative to petroleum based plastics. Made from fermented plant starch, the plastic is said to be “carbon neutral” and “non-toxic.” However, this is far from the truth. Critics and experts around the world have brought to light that the renewable alternative is not as environmentally friendly as one might have thought.

In this week’s post, we reveal the hidden reality of PLA plastics. Read to find out the truth!

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