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Crafting a Sustainable World, One Post at a Time

Sustainable Living Natalie Crawford Sustainable Living Natalie Crawford

5 Free Plant-based Apps for a Healthy Lifestyle while Traveling

When traveling, you want to experience everything your destination has to offer, from its culture, art, music to it’s gastronomy. Experiencing local cuisines can sometimes be a challenge for those who follow specific diets, such as plant-based and vegan lifestyles.

Luckily, there are many apps out there that make eating according to your preferences easier.

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Sustainable Living Jane Marsh Sustainable Living Jane Marsh

4 Tips for an Eco-Friendly Staycation

Have you ever had a staycation? If not, then this is the perfect time to try it out.

Between the colder weather and COVID-19, many people are choosing to stay indoors and travel no further than their town, city’s or state’s limits. The silver lining is that by avoiding traveling far away, you not only limit your CO2 footprint, but also save money while supporting your locals! So whether you’re looking for staycation inspiration for the short or long-term, we’ve got you covered.

Here are four tips to put together an enjoyable and eco-friendly staycation of your own.

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